healthcare business

Prometheus Federal Services and Customer Value Partners Awarded Contract to Produce Clinical Decision Support Evaluation Training for the Veterans Health Administration

WASHINGTON, DC – Titan Alpha, a joint venture between Prometheus Federal Services (PFS) and Customer Value Partners (CVP), was awarded a contract with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA), Clinical Informatics and Data Management Office to produce Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Evaluation Training.

Titan Alpha will collaborate with the CDS Team to create an accredited training course for VHA clinicians and field personnel on the evaluation of clinical decision support interventions. Specifically, the team will develop training content and learning modules that focus on the “Five-step Model for Conducting a CDS Intervention Evaluation.” On a prior contract, Titan Alpha developed three learning modules that introduced a variety of tools and interventions, such as computerized alerts and reminders, clinical guidelines, order sets, patient data reports and dashboards, documentation templates, diagnostic support, and clinical workflow tools.

“CDS plays a critical role in improving patient care, reducing medical errors and adverse events, promoting more comprehensive treatment of illnesses and conditions, encouraging adherence to guidelines, shortening patient length of stay, decreasing costs over time, and improving compliance for meaningful use,” said PFS Vice President, Carl Fortune. “We’re honored to be selected again to collaborate with the CDS Team on this important learning initiative for VHA clinicians and field personnel.”

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